How can FoodDays Save You Money?
Time is precious and it has a price...
... But can you find the tag?
We often hear that time is money or are asked what about the lost opportunity cost? and more but, in the day-to-day, in most professions, we're just getting the job done and we seldom track every moment of every day but, what if someone said that you could finish work every day fifteen minutes early, how would that feel? I expect, like me, you'd see it as a welcome opportunity to get out for a walk, see family or finish off another task without having to work as late.
By taking advantage of FoodDays school focused platform, you can run an ordering program that's tailored to the school environment. Many of our schools and vendors have previously used regular off-the-shelf solutions like some of the popular online ordering platforms or even Google Sheets to track lunches! Whilst these solutions can be pressed into service, sometimes at no charge, the cost comes when something isn't going to plan; a missed lunch yields a long search, a cancelled lunch for a particular homeroom means manual updates and hours of manually combing records, manually typing in credits to refund cards and updating those sheets to reflect what happened... all without error.
The stress induced from the extra work when it's not going to plan alone will leave someone on your team, or you frazzled! With FoodDays, click Admin / Finances and issue a credit for the homeroom, all done – Parents get a credit, an email explaining the details, with a personal note from you, and the vendor records are updated automatically.
Automating your lunch program through FoodDays can yield benefits like an extra fifteen minutes a day or more and, it can be the solution to destress your day.